Thanks for your interest in Write Like a Honey Badger’s scholarship program! Please submit the application form below at least one week before the term starts. Late submissions can not be considered.

Good luck!

Scholarship Terms and Conditions

The contest is sponsored by Write Like A Honey Badger and judged by founder Amanda Castleman. Her decision is final. She may choose no winner if entries fail to meet the requirements or enrollment is too low (less than three students).

Applications must be received at least a week before the class’s launch. WLHB will notify all candidates of their status the day before the workshop begins (or day of, in rare cases).

Prior applicants can re-submit, as can past winners for different courses.

By applying, the entrant confirms the following:

  • That they identify as one or more of the groups or backgrounds mentioned above. AND
  • That they are otherwise unable to afford to take a class

Submissions that promote hatred of any religion, ethnicity, sex, or gender-identity will be disqualified.

All applicants retain copyright on their works, but winners grant Write Like A Honey Badger permission to share their headshots and 150-word bios online to help inspire others. Submission indicates acceptance of all contest rules.

Please be considerate when applying: these scholarships are designed to help students who could not otherwise afford to take a class. We thank students with the means to pay for supporting our mission and contributing to the fund to support writers with more limited means.

Applicants will automatically be added to our mailing list. Please hit “unsubscribe” if you wish to opt out!

The Application Form

Please share a 100- to 125-word biography that can be published on our site, along with any blog, portfolio and social media links you’d like to showcase there. If you feel comfortable sharing your identity — POC, LGBTQIA, non-binary, etc. — that would be a wonderful inspiration to others. But privacy is also cool! Share only what's comfortable.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
We feature scholarship winners on our site. If being recognized online creates risk or discomfort for you, please talk to the school’s founder Amanda Castleman about options: Images must be at least 500 pixels wide for your application to be considered. Files over 512MB will not load. Adobe has an easy and free tool online if you need to resize.