Write Like A Honey Badger (WLHB) only employs very veteran, hardcore writers to teach — ones eager to give back to the industry, helping talented, diverse voices emerge and shine. Our instructors touch upon trends in the trade and literary best-practices. But they also keep the workshops grounded in hard-won insider advice that boosts each student a few rungs up the career ladder.

Don’t guess at what works. Learn the tactics of full-time, thriving freelancers, who treat travel and lifestyle journalism as a serious business!

Not sure which instructor, course or coaching package suits you best? Please reach out to info@writelikeahoneybadger.com. We are always happy to advise.



Instructor and cofounder Amanda Castleman, a smiling Caucasian woman with blue eyes and long brown hair. Pacific Northwest greenery is visible in the background. Photo by Valentina Vitols Writer and Photographer Amanda Castleman specializes in travel, adventure, nature, animals and the environment. Her work has appeared in Afar, Outside, Sierra, Islands, Wired, Salon, BBC Travel, Delta Sky, Hemispheres, Sport Diver, Coastal Living, Bon Appetit, Cooking Light and The International Herald Tribune, as well as the Guardian and Sunday Express. Despite her yoga-and-yogurt tendencies, she’s a former wilderness guide. Her Honduras scuba article won a Lowell Thomas award (travel writing’s ersatz Pulitzer).

Amanda has taught journalism and digital media since 2003. She pioneered online workshops that pushed beyond “travel the world for free” to dive deeply into the art and craft of reporting. She launched the first Travel Writing Master Class in 2011 and continue to offer it once or twice each year.

Learn more here.