Whether students are figuring out how to get unstuck, publish a memoir, make a living as a writer, or elevate their voice, Write Like a Honey Badger (WLHB) gives them the information and instruction to achieve their goals.

Two giraffes on the Masai Mara in Kenya with golden grass and smoky blue skies

Freelance writing is many people’s idea of a perfect job. But few resources exist that offer applicable, expert lessons in how to get started and how to thrive, especially in a fast-evolving media landscape. This deficit has kept the industry exclusive and insular for decades. WLHB hopes to change that.

As a writer, founder Amanda Castleman rose through the freelance ranks learning solely by instinct after staffing at metro dailies, consumer magazines and an academic publishing house. She felt there had to be a better way to welcome and guide other authors. An instructor since 2003, she created WLHB to bring classes and information to a wider range of storytellers, promoting diversity across the media.

Through small group classes online, WLHB offers the kind of individual attention, personalized editing, and hands-on instruction that the founder and many self-taught freelancers wished they’d had.


WLHB offers independent study, pitch coaching, and manuscript editing for any writers who prefer a one-on-one format or need help with a specific goal or project.

For Write Like A Honey Badger alumni, instructors also provide coaching discounts and ongoing community.


The school’s mission is broaden the world of writing. Each term includes a minimum of one scholarship spot to a student from an under-served or under-represented community.